Monday, June 24, 2013

I guess 9 days was enough

Back at LDS Hospital. You know, I was pretty sure that at some point he would be readmitted. But really did not think it would be this soon or for the reason of DEHYDRATION!

John felt really good when he first got home. He was still drinking most of his calories and was doing ok with that. After a few days he started getting nauseas. He threw up like once a day for a few days. He called the clinic here and they said once a day is not a big deal. He was getting more and more tired and Friday threw up a few times. Saturday even more. He called and talked to a PA. She said it did not sound awful enough to come in but if it got worse to call. He threw up more Saturday and threw up everything Sunday morning. He was so tired, off balance and shaky. I called the hospital at about 10 am. Tony ( the clinic nurse) said to bring him in. So I quickly got ready and got the kids ready for church.  Then we came to the clinic. They did vitals and his blood pressure was super low. 85/50. Tony knew immediately he was dehydrated and put him on fluids and said he would be admitted. His lab work came back quickly and his numbers were WAY messed up. Kidney levels were super super high, platelets were way down.

They put fluids in him as fast as they could and did a ton more blood work. So, the funny thing is that he has not thrown up or been nauseas since being here. Obviously the real problem is the dehydration. His kidneys were hit really hard in 6 days. One week ago they were totally normal. He is doing ok and is slowly getting a little better. Not as fast as I would like though. His creatinine levels are dropping but very slowly. He should be fully hydrated now with all the fluids they are putting in him. His out put is not enough though. He has not been able to pee at all. They had to insert a catheter last night to empty his bladder. Now he has one in for good. His kidneys are processing some urine but not everything is getting through. He is seeing a nephrologist ( kidney dr) daily. Today he basically said to give John more fluids and see what happens.

His platelets keep going down so that is something to watch too. Most likely an infection, but still waiting for the results of the blood culture to see what that says. The good news is that we came in yesterday pretty sure he had GVHD of the stomach. But now are pretty sure his stomach is totally fine, no GVHD, just severe dehydration. John had not peed in 2 days, but had not told me. I though it had been less than a day. When we got here yesterday he told me he didn't remember the last time he peed!!

So now we are hoping for his kidneys to start working properly and he wants out of here Thursday.

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