Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's been a while

Ok - Not a whole lot to report with John. He is feeling ok. He started this new cycle a week ago. His energy levels were really good until yesterday. He kind of hit a wall. He also has a cold :( Luckily it is just a common cold (hospital thought it was RSV or Strep and ran a bunch of tests). It may take him a while to fight it though. His white blood cell count is about half of the low end for a normal person. Which is where they want it. And the cancer count in those cells are pretty low, but still takes him a lot longer to fight illnesses. Let's hope it stays a cold and does not turn into pneumonia.

He is having a hard time with food. Not keeping it down, just that most food and drinks do not taste very good. Once in a while he eats something that tastes really good and normal. But he still has not lost any weight so that is good. He had a bad rash on his torso and they had to change that medication, the rash is almost gone, but his skin is really dry. He is retaining water and his face and neck were swollen this morning. It all could be worse. 

The other day I was with my sister in law Brook in a cute shop and I saw this. I have to donate - although I joked and said I could put it towards my own bills :)

We have been really blessed lately. Our ward had a Christmas party Saturday. As part of the party they had a "Fill the pot for the Philpotts" pot. They had a nice dinner and a choir and a silent auction. I had no idea what to expect, but Sunday the bishopric brought us a check from the donations. It was over $4000.00!!!! They said it was super cute because the bottom was full of coins and they watched kids keep putting handfuls in. It took them 45 minutes to count all the coins.  I just picture every women emptying her wallet of change so the kids could put the change in there. Our home teacher told his family and his wives family and they donated too.  These are people we have never met and have been so blessed by them.  John opened the check and balled and balled. It is a huge blessing that we are so so grateful for.

Then yesterday someone decided to bring some groceries by. I was in Isaiah's class and when Abby got home there were groceries all over the front porch. She brought them in and called me asking where to put it all. I was thinking a few groceries. It was a ton and covered my big kitchen counter. The amazing thing is I had just gone shopping yesterday morning and it was like everything multiplied, I bought milk, they brought milk, I bought cheese, they brought cheese, I bought bread they brought bread, goes on and on with mac n cheese, string cheese, oranges, butter, spaghetti sauce, pasta, cereal, beef, chicken . . . I just stood there in shock and cried. There was one bag that simply said "Merry Christmas".  Both of my big side by side fridge/freezers are totally full. I am so grateful for the kindness and thoughtful people. We are so blessed to have amazing people in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. For the first time I love the nick name "fill the pot"!
    What amazing people there are in your ward family!
