Sunday, November 24, 2013

Kind of boring

I'm trying to blog more often :) When there isn't much going on, there isn't much to blog about. But one of our favorite Docs, Dr. Ashe says, "keep it boring". That is actually a good thing.

It has been a good week. John has been pretty tired though. He is off of steroids and now is on hydrocortisone. It is only 5 mg a day - which is what his body should be making. His adrenal glands are supposed to produce it but they are a little lazy after a transplant. Eventually they will start making what they need to. John is thrilled to be off steroids and getting rid of all the nasty side effects. He still checks his blood sugar levels 3 times a day. But, he has not needed any insulin this week. The puffiness is starting to slowly go away and he is looking more and more like "John". His appetite has gone down and he isn't eating as much - but that is kind of good. He was eating more than he should when he was on steroids. 

He is very excited for this week. His central line should be coming out on Tuesday. As long as his numbers are fine, it can come out. That is what keeps us in this 45 min window from the hospital. When you have a central line in, you are at a high risk for infections. Luckily he has not had a single infection from his PICC line or his central line. He got his PICC line in, the end of October last year, so it has been just over a year. He can't wait to shower with out having to worry about a line :) Although it will probably HURT to get this sucker out. They literally just pull it out and since it has been in for 9 months, there is scar tissue built around it.

Other than that, life is pretty boring. We are all excited for Thanksgiving this week and then Christmas break is 3 weeks after that. This year is going by so fast.

1 comment:

  1. Dear John, Noelle, & Family, ----
    Although we hate to break the beauty of that "boredom" where it says at the bottom of your blog entry "No Comment", but I just couldn't resist! As you well know I haven't posted many comments on your blog, so I feel a tiny bit entitled. John and Noelle, please understand that your heroic minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, week-by-week, etc. FIGHT has done more than you can ever imagine to strengthen others - just by LIVING and thereby giving! You are a monumental testimony to ALL of us of God's mercy and grace. We REJOICE in your "boring" time now for the message of approaching wellness that it signals. -----------
    SMILES & LOVE to you always from -----------
    Glen (& Bonnie) Dolberg --------------
    P.S. That family photo is PRICELESS! We'll continue to pray fervently for you all!
