Saturday, September 29, 2012

I think this is the waiting game

It would be so nice if we actually had real information. John spent a lot of the day yesterday on the phone with Cancer offices. He was referred to a Dr. but we would rather go to a Dr. that we know someone recommends. Jeff and Rachelle have an ex Bishop who has leukemia so we have his Dr.'s name. John was trying to get in to the Huntsman Cancer Center too.

He really liked the people at Huntsman. They were super nice and understanding. They even requested his blood work and had a Dr. look at them. That Dr. said John has lymphcytosis.  Basically that means, yes, his white blood cell count is high due to an infection of some sort. Most likely leukemia, but it could be many other things too. We now need to figure out the why!

We have an appointment with Dr. Frame on Thursday afternoon. Not sure how much more he will tell us.  Probably that we need to do more tests to figure out what is going on for sure. But he can at least read the results and we will see what he says. If John is diagnosed with any form on cancer, we will switch to the Huntsman. We can't go there until we are for sure what it is.

So, for now we still wait and pray and have faith.

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